[Word Press Hunger Over]

Yeh word press hunger is over, no need to download the lenghty scripts of wordpress, just to achieve its better features, now you guyz have an option to go for, belive me!!
Try Blogsome.com,
Features include:
1. Fast, easy and free
2. Choice of WordPress themes
3. Upload photos
4. Personlize your designand more...Get blogging in minutes!

I'm lovin it...although its not Hamburger


Punk Dervish

11:46 PM

i am trying to figure out what Word Press is! and should i even be interested in it?


6:12 PM

well yeh of course you can simply start it by visiting Wrodpress powered blogs followed by comparing it to Blogger.com powered blogs vice versa, and den try dis Word Press, your hunger will definetly be diminshed....I hope so, as it diminished mine!!