This is the WebReview written by me got published in Todays (April, 30, 2005) in Dawn's Young World. as its not available on its site I am providing it directly., while still in beta, is a free online photo service that allows you to share your photographs. It also provides functionality to stay in touch with friends and some intresting photo share services. For example, Flickr provides an automated method for embedding pictures into your website - blog(online diaries). There are teo ways to place to your ohotos on You can upload them or email them.
Moreover, it provides a nice variety of well designed, useful functionality. This includes storing photos, determining who can access these photos, adding tags to photos, inciting friends(called contacts), sending messages to friends, Flickr's standard messaging tool, and user groups. They also have a usefyll and really helpful FAQ section.
Just select the picture, add some comments and click on the "post" button, that's all- your photo is shared.
It's Intresting Continue Reading →